Come as you are -- baggage and all, no strings attached, no checklists to complete, no false fronts. At Grace, you're welcomed the moment you walk through our doors. We get together to celebrate God's unconditional love for us and to encourage and serve one another.
If you're here for the first time, we're excited to get to know you. Join us on an extraordinary journey to know Jesus better and live life to the fullest.

what are services like?
Our services are casual, friendly, and use truth from the Bible to help every person grow and learn more about God. And everyone is welcome to come as they are.
what should I wear?
Dress is casual at Grace. Worrying about wearing "good enough" clothing shouldn't get in the way of learning about God. People come in jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers, but feel free to dress up if you want, too.
who do I talk to if I'm new?
During services, greeters are at every entrance to say hello and help with anything you need. Following each service, staff and key volunteers would love to connect with you at our Connection Point, located in the lobby, outside of our main auditorium.
is childcare provided?
Yes. We don't believe in just "babysitting." There is a home for kids on Sundays, during every service, in an environment for them to develop a relationship with Jesus. Learn more about our children's ministry.
what if I'm not a christian?
Everyone is welcome here regardless of where they are in their relationship with God, or if they haven't made a decision to follow Him. We want people to encounter Jesus and discover the story God wants to create with their lives.
how do I join the church?
Grace offers a Discover Grace class for those interested in membership. Visit our Connection Point after any service to learn more.